Help Window Properties

The set of window properties is different for WinHelp and HTML Help project. However, key window properties are the same in projects of both formats.

General Tab

Name of the window. Identifies the window in the help project.

Caption of the window, that which appears when the window is displayed.

Buttons Tab

Here you set buttons to be used for the window. A window in WinHelp can have the following buttons: Contents, Index, Find, Help Topics, Print, Back, Options. A window in HTML Help can have these buttons: Hide/Show, Back, Forward, Stop, Refresh, Home, Options, Print, Locate, Jump 1, Jump 2. Note that Jump 1 and Jump 2 are custom buttons. On this tab you can also enter captions for these buttons, the topics they refer to are specified on the Topics tab (see below for its description).

Position Tab

Here you can specify the window's position and size. Use the Auto-Sizer button to automatically fill in the X, Y, Width and Height fields. If you want to set default values, click the Default button.
Remark: WinHelp system uses a special 1024x1024 coordinate system to specify the position and size of its help windows. This makes the specified values independent on the screen resolution. In other words, the window position and size will be changed proportionally to the screen when the resolution is changed. HTML Help system specifies the position and size of its help windows in pixels, that is, when changing the screen resolution, a help window stays static.

For WinHelp projects this tab has two additional options:

Full Screen
If checked, the window is enlarged to full size, the position and size values are ignored.

Stay on Top
If checked, the window always stays on the top.

Color Tab

This tab is only available in a WinHelp project.

Use Default Colors
If checked, default colors are used for the window.

Nonscrolling Area
Color of the nonscrolling window area.

Topic Area
Color of the topic (scrolling) area.

To set default color for a WinHelp window, use the Default button on this tab.

Macros Tab

This property tab is available in WinHelp projects only. Here you can set the list of macros which will be performed at each opening of the window. To add, remove, edit and move macros in the list, use the appropriate buttons.

Navigation Pane Tab

This tab is only available in a HTML Help project.

Specifies width of the navigation pane.

Open the Window with Navigation Pane Closed
If checked, the navigation pane is closed when opening the window.

Automatically Show/Hide
If checked, the navigation pane is automatically closed when the window is inactive and showed when the window is active.

Auto Sync
Automatycally founds and selects the topic being displayed in the window in the table of contents.

Search Tab
Specifies whether to display the Search tab.

Advanced Search
Specifies the type of the Search tab.

Favorites Tab
Specifies whether to display the Favorites tab.

Default Tab
Allows to select a tab to show at the first opening of the window.

Topics Tab

This tab is only available in a HTML Help project.

Specifies the help topic the Home button (see the Buttons tab above) refers to.

Jump 1
Specifies the help topic the Jump 1 button refers to.

Jump 2
Specifies the help topic the Jump 2 button refers to.